Dry eye is often an eye condition known as keratitis sicca. Ironically, patients with dry eye often have a wet watery eye. They may also experience stinging, burning, and a scratchy feeling. Vision can be subsequently blurred when flare-ups occur. The most common cause of dry eye is a change in the tear chemistry of the eye. Two types of tears are produced – lubricating tears are the type which keep eyes moist and comfortable, while reflex tears are the type which are produced secondarily when a person is emotional or in pain. Dry eye is a complex disease that Dr. Price Kowaleski is constantly learning about as new treatments and knowledge comes about. Dry eye is often a result in the deficiency of the lubricating tear type or an increase in evaporation which then triggers the reflex tears to be secreted but this tear type is poor in moisturizing qualities. Glands located in the eyelids are constantly producing tears. Much of what Dr. Price Kowaleski will recommend for treatment has to do with hygiene, heat, inflammation, and tears. See her for a medical evaluation for dry eye.
Risk factors for dry eye are:
- Women over 40
- Low humidity conditions
- Medications
- Eyelid problems
- Rosacea
- Contact lens use
Dr. Price Kowaleski will use a microscope to examine the tear film on the eye. Special eyedrop dyes are used to help her to detect dry spots, measure tear quality, evaporation, and volume then make a diagnosis. Treatment of dry eye includes certain over-the-counter eye drops, eyelid hygiene methods, prescription eye drops Restasis and Xiidra. The risk of an eye infection and loss of vision are greater when a dry eye condition is not properly managed. Let Price Eye Care help you treat and manage your Dry Eye condition.